Roman Name Generators – Baby’s Cognonem, Praenomen| Male & Female Ancient Soldier, God & Goddess Names

Rome is undoubtedly one of the ancient empires in the world that has rich histories of past times and development of both humans and infrastructures during the dark ages.
Roman used to be the first name of every male child in the time past but now they have the family names and given names.
Examples of roman names are Gaius, Valentinian, Publius, Marcus, Varius, Virginia, Lucius, Vettius, Aulus, Gnaeus, and so on.
To get your own real roman name and profile or random fake names to protect your identity online, check the following roman names generators.
abarothsworld is a roman name generator that randomly selects 60 names for role players.
You don’t make any select here, just refresh the page and get another set of a long list of names.
It generates male names and female names separately and you get varieties of names at a time.
Such other random names that can be gotten are names for male Norse and female Norse (Scandinavian names), male and female Elven names (spirit names), Minarian names, Dwarven names for men and women, Orc names, Anglo-Saxon Males, and Anglo-Saxon Females.
The golden tool is for creating a roman name. You enter your real name and it will generate a unique roman name.
However, the meaning of your English in Roman name is not given and it does not translate your name.
It generates both boys and girls roman names separately and gives you a typical full ancient name.
A typical Roman female or male name should be three, the personal name (given name or Praenomen) the name of his tribe (Nomen), and the family name which is also called Cognomen in ancient Rome. Some names can even have Agnomen, other names.
The developer made it known that the tool gets your praenomen from the first name you submitted, nomem from the last name, and combine the two to give you cognomen.
As a plus, you get Agnomen if you can supersede Hannibal or perform some other tasks very well.
They also reinstate that the tool does not give you names in Latin translation or such a tool that tell you the meaning of roman name in let’s say Hindi or Islam but it’s more of a name converter that converts the English words to its Latin form.
There are other things you can do, like, learning about Roman history and culture, their coins, Statues, Mosaics, paintings, poetry, etc
springhole is another simple tool that gives you names that look like or/and sound like Latin/Roman names and that’s all.
They’re fantasy and not real names to choose for a character, maybe for entertainment.
Examples are: Laublian, Tesius, Evemaius, Ecaurbaia, Quapa, etc.
Other random names generators by the author are Retro fantasy Greek-like names and Mesopotamy-like names, Deity names, celestial body generators.
namegenerators provide roman names, legion names for boys and girls, Latin boys and girls’ and famous ancient names for both male and female gender, everything at random.
You select your preferred gender, name set, and country, and generate the names, including personal information such as an address, phone, BOD, email address, website, username, social security code, credit card details, personal attributes, interest, and others
The name generator is one of the pretty ones in this niche with several other name generators developed by the same developer.
Some others are Finnish names, Polish, Igbo names, Dutch, Irish names for baby boy and girls, male and female adult names, website name, username, brand, and business name generators.
Quizopolis does the simple trick like others. Enter your first English name and last name, choose your gender, and get beautiful girl’s names and cute boy’s names depending on what you’ve selected.
Other useful tools by the author are the trailer pack name generator, animal’s names, Romanian name, Australian name, Valentines, fantasy names generator to create a name for your future husband, Vampire, next baby Names, zombie names, pilgrim name, Greek name, superhero, supermodel, stage names generators and others.
legionxxiv is not in any way a name generator, translator, or converter but a very useful site to get information about the roman military, the gladiator combat, culture, etc.
If you’re searching for roman soldier names, real female and male roman American gladiator’s name their history, legion 24 is helpful.
You can as well get a list of roman male names, surnames, first, last and middle names, learn about the “Tria Nomina” naming system (the praenomen, nomen, and the cognomen), its importance and distinction, and how it was used to distinguish between origin, the “peregrimus” which are not foreigners who later become soldiers in the military and the slaves who only have one name.
It lists sample female names, praenomen, nomen, cognomen, male and female name, how married women use suffixes with their husbands’ names, and how slaves assume the praenomen of their master and add a suffix to it when they’re under service and also bearing their name with their master’s name after liberty.
fantasynamegenerators This tool, just like other generators by the same publisher, generates 10 random roman male and female names and you can now click to get only ten men’s names or women’s names.
The names are popular ancient names in the roman empire and you get the full name which is the combination of the given name, the clan name, and the family name; similar to surname, first name but the only difference is that in ancient Rome, the differentiate citizens by tribe and bear their tribe’s names.
nameberry If you’re finding a fine name to give to your baby, nameberry baby names search engine works well in this regard. Select boy or girl or either to find a name collection of the two genders.
One thing I like about the name search is that they have such names in their database and you can search for a name with a specific character.
For example, you can search for Latin girl names that start with A or search for any baby name that starts with C and other alphabets.
You can also search a name that ends with a particular character or contains some set of characters, selects the number of syllables the name should have. With this, you can find short or long names.
You can also choose the origin of the name to get, the English meaning and state the popularity status, that is, if you want popular roman names, familiar names, or uncommon names.