Google Play store app download for android

Google Play store app download for android

Android App Store is a digital distribution service for devices running the Android Operating System (OS) platform.

It dishes-out not just android-compatible Apps but also offers published digital magazines, books,journals, music, TV programs,movies etc.

There are handful of App stores in today’s world of rapid technological development and innovation like the Google Play app store and Microsoft App store .

Considerable attention would be paid to the Google Play or App store as it has expectedly proven to be the most used android app store in world owing to the unprecedented popularity of the related OS- ‘Android’.

It is also the default app store ,as part of compliant conditions of Google, for all devices of carriers choosing to feature the Operating System(OS).

Google play store ,formerly Android Market in 2008, was launched in 2012 and it’s the official app store for android devices as suggested earlier.

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Users can browse and download music, books,magazines, journals and applications developed with Android SDK published via Google by third party developers as well as Google itself.

Applications that can be published may be either free-of-charge or paid, while the former is available worldwide except in countries blacklisted by the United States the later is so far available in 135 countries.

Developers wishing to sell their applications on this platform are subjected to certain tests like those relating to app quality, obscenity, violence, copyright, bullying etc.

Applications on Google play are also believed to be screened on a quarterly basis, low-quality apps are shown the way out of the system.

Browsing of apps in the Google Play store can come very handy,it can be searched either by name or keyword used by their respective developers .

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Applications are also categorized into various sections either based on popularity like ‘top chart’, based on compliancy to Google’s design standards: ‘featured apps’ ,based on utility :productivity,entertainment,education etc, products on the store are also distinguished into whether they a books,magazines, movies and so on.

An applications popularity is determined not by the number of downloads recorded but by the number of Google accounts (Gmail) connected hence the figures attached to apps may fall-short of the number of times they have been downloaded.


Reviews and ratings can also be awarded to specific applications by user ,developers can in turn respond to individual reviews and ratings either in words or by way of updates.

The store under focus also allows users to ascertain apps installed on their device from the store without having to manually do that. Enlighten a friend now

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Users can as well add apps which they don’t presently have the resource to download or purchase to the ‘wish list’ section provided to help them do so at a later time saving them the stress of remembering and searching for them again.

There is an automated antivirus security system in place called ‘Google Bouncer’ to prevent or rid the store of potentially malicious applications.

This are some of the many provisions this store brings to the table for users As alluded to previously, apps are either free-of-charge or paid-apps ,to add something to that, only developers from a selected number of Countries can sell or have access to paid-apps on the platform as it stands.