Temp-Mail.Org Free Temporary Email Address, Uses & Apps

Temp-Mail.Org Free Temporary Email Address, Uses & Apps

Running business online and using email marketing approach to market your products and services not only benefit business owners but also consumers, however, since you don’t only get messages you’ve consented for, there’s need to have private email account or Temp Mail.


Having a public, private or business email account can help in preventing phishing attack and any other forms of scam or unsolicited promotional emails but this can be pain in the ass maintaining these accounts.

Sometimes, you don’t even remember the password of an email account once you’re not using it regularly.


Temporary email accounts help in this regard. Temp email is a form of temporary email you can use to sign up for services, receive emails which can self destruct, so also the account.


It does not require registration, personal details, password, captcha or security questions and Unlimited amount of accounts can be created by a user using the same IP.

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Temp Mail is one of the big names in the temporary email niche. You can easily get a free mailbox and it’s instant. Just visit the web address, get your free email, set up your control panel and start receiving messages.


What are the benefits of using Temporary Email service

If you’re signing up to receive a one time information like an eBook, tutorial, information about a product/service or a trial package, you can just enter your temporary email so that you don’t receive further unnecessary email after the purpose of your registration is achieved.


Similar to this is if you’re using an app and you’re asked to sign up to receive added benefits, have access to advanced features or probably in a game where you’ll be asked to complete a task and win free points, you can use temp mail for these proposes.


If you want to have multiple accounts on a website, for example a forum where you’re selling digital products and you want to be posting from different accounts, you can use temp mail to get free emails to use for sign up.

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Similar to this is if you’re just starting a forum and you’re not having registered members yet, you can register different accounts so that new visitor will be able to join easily.


Are you a website owner or service provider? It’s important to use different emails to test how subscribers receive your newsletter on different platforms like desktop, high-end mobile devices and tablets, different browsers and so on.


This is to ensure the links are not broken, displayed as sent and content is received as formatted and if error is found, you can easily fix it. Little changes to all these can limit your success rate in your marketing campaign.

Temp-Mail Apps

Privatix Communication, the company that coded the Temp Mail – Temporary Email also developed mobile apps you can download free on your android phone from Google play store and on iPhone and iPad from iTunes.

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Carefully designed, simple and easy user interface to use to get Temporary emails to avoid unnecessary advertising from mailings, and also prevent hackers that usually scrape emails from public sites.

Temp-Mail Extensions

Temp Mail also designed browser extension. You can install it on your Google chrome browser, Opera browser and addons on Firefox browser.


Browser’s extension is a program or software built to work with existing program; just like plugins, in order to modify the behavior of the main software.

Temp-Mail API

Temp-Mail.org also has an advanced Application Programming Interface (API) you can use to develop your temporary email service on your website. You’ll have access to the resources once you choose a desired plan, especially the paid plan, depending on the capacity.