How to Learn English Quickly at Home – Best Apps

how to learn english language in the comfort of your home

Although every university has a great number of academic writings across the different types of college writing styles.

  • Descriptive
  • Analytical
  • Persuasive, and
  • Critical essays for its students

However, most college students still need to improve their writing prowess.

Today, college students now rely on some writing applications to improve their grammar usage, check and correct spellings, and proofread their thesis and other forms of essays.

Others who are still very poor in English writing seek high-quality college essay help from experienced English teachers.

However, if you’re an average English speaker and can write readable and meaningful articles, the following apps would help to improve your English writing skills exercises.

how to learn english language in the comfort of your home

The Most Popular Apps to help you Write Better

Even though revision is considered an integral part of your work on any Academic writing, many students neglect this part.

It happens so because they like procrastinating and start making their assignments at the very last minute.

So, they just don’t have enough time to revise their texts properly before turning them in.

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Here are some apps to improve writing skills online and to help you become a better writer:


  • Grammarly

Grammarly seems to be the most popular checker for different kinds of texts.

A good one for developing your writing skills easily within a short period.

It is very popular, not only among students but also among English writing editors.

Its audience is really wide because it has two versions: online at the website and different extensions for browsers and text processors.

You’re not only able to check grammar errors, spelling, and punctuation in a particular text but also improve your active vocabulary.

This tool offers different recommendations on how to avoid wordiness in the text.

Besides, it is possible to use a free version of this app or pay for it and use a wider range of functions


  • White Smoke

If you’re also looking for another creative writing practice app as high school or college grad, White Smoke is a nice grammar and spell checker as well.

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It also has two versions: You can use their tool online on their website or download their app.

However, its main advantage for students is that it doesn’t just proofread the text, but also creates a special report in which your writing skills will be reviewed and evaluated by the program.

In the end, you may receive not only improved texts but also recommendations on how to develop your writing skills. It’s a good software to improve English writing skills I must say.


  • Hemingway App

If you are good enough with grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and just need some recommendations on how to improve your writing style, this app is just for you.

Named after a famous writer, this app may evaluate the clarity and readability of your texts and give you different suggestions on how to improve these criteria.


  • SpellCheckPlus Pro

SpellCheckPlus is an online grammar checker that has free and paid versions.

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This program checks grammar, spelling, and punctuation just like a decent English editor.

Moreover, it also has a special version that checks texts written by non-native English speakers.

The paid version which costs only $15 for personal use, may also give the author suggestions on how to improve his/her writing skills.


  • Paper Rater

Paper Rater is a nice checker that is popular among bloggers and freelancers.

The main advantage of this tool is that it has only an online version; therefore, you don’t need to spend your time to download and install the special program.

Also, this checker is free and good not only for proofreading but also for checking plagiarism because this function is intrinsic.



These apps will enhance your writing skills and help you to write and speak better English.

Each of them will help in developing your writing style and make you become a better English writer even if you’re not a native English speaker.