Top Common Appliances that use Most Kilowatt at Home when Off

high energy consumption applicances

Knowing Your Appliances that Use more Energy when they’re off
Do you like to reduce your utility bill, especially the electricity bill?

Switching on lights only when necessary, using energy-saving bulbs, and putting on your air conditioners only in the hot temp among other tips help but can be complemented.

For this reason, you must understand some electronic devices that demand much electric current.

high energy consumption applicances

1.  Cable TV Box
There are various models of the box for cable or satellite channels that imply different consumptions. The cable mode with a video recorder is the one that demands and uses more electricity, with 43, 4w per hour.


2. Laptop
Completely off, the laptops can consume up to 8.9 w per hour. Even in “Sleep” or “hibernation” mode, it can increase up to 15, 7w.

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3. Music Mini components
When you’re listening to the radio, its consumption may rise to 14, 4w, but when you’re using other features like playing a compact disc, you will have to use 150% more energy than when you only listen to the radio.

Just Off your radio when you don’t need it. Only plugging it can consume Watt per hour.

4. TV, Rear Projection
LCD TVs tend to consume less energy, however, the rear projection model, still popular can consume twice as much as the old cathode ray model, 6, 6w only plugged into the mains.

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5. Microwave
If you keep your microwave oven connected, it can consume 3, 8w per hour, but if you forget to close your door, the figure rises eight times more than 25w.


6. Desktop computer
In “Sleep” mode, the consumption rises to 21, 1w. And if you’re just doing nothing (with the monitor off) you can use 73, 9w.


7. Coffee Machine
It is not a very common appliance, but if you have one at home, it will consume a little more than 1w, for every hour you are not using it and remain plugged in.


8. Video Game console
If it’s only plugged in, it consumes 1w, but if you leave it in active mode, ready to use, the figure rises to 23.3.

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9. Wireless phone
When the phone includes an answering machine, then the consumption increases by 2.9w per hour, connected to the network 0.98W.


10. Cell Phone Charger
The smallest of consumers. If you are accustomed to leaving it connected, it is most likely that at the end of the month, it accumulated a significant consumption. Only plugged in consumes 0.26w.

There is now an alternative to charging phones with fire and this would also help in lessening too much dependence on electricity when this concept is well developed.