Key holding and Response Services: Benefits in Home Safety

Key holding and Response Services: Benefits in Home Safety


Key holding is a dedicated security service that provides businesses and property owners with an additional level of support and reassurance.

By engaging Keyholding and Response Services, you can leave your premises at the end of the day.

You’re assured in the knowledge that if your alarm system activates, there will be a guaranteed response from a dedicated security provider.

There are often times when you are away from your business, whether it be on an evening, weekend or during longer spells when you’re away on holiday or closed for the festive period.

This is how keyholding and response services can play an important in your property.

By allowing a trusted security company a key to your property, you are giving them the ability to access the building when you are not able to get there.

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They essentially hold a key to your property, that they can use as and when they need to.


The benefits of key holding

You can relax

One of the key benefits of having a Key Holding service is that it means that you do not have to attend any call outs to your property that are not 100% necessary.

Sometimes you may find that an alarm is activated for no reason, and if you need to make a trip to your premises, then you may end up feeling frustrated.

By having a company acting as a key holder, this problem is solved for you.

They will attend any call outs on your behalf, meaning that there is minimal disruption to your life and you can head out on holiday or out of the area if need be.

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Keep you safe

A Key Holding service is also an ideal solution if you feel uncomfortable at being called out to attend a possible break in, or emergency.

Instead, you can have a fully trained and trusted security guard act as the first on scene and can contact the required professionals as and when required.

This eliminates the need for sending you or your staff to attend which for many is a daunting and overwhelming experience.


24/7 reassurance

Most key holding solutions provide a 24/7 service and will provide a professional security guard to act immediately if there is any alert from your property.

Security control centres provide an immediate alert and ensure that someone is at your property as quickly as possible.

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You’ve got a spare

On a lighter note, it’s always a good idea for any business owner to have several sets of keys.

In the event that a set goes missing, you know that whatever happens you’ll be able to access your property, knowing that we have a set in our charge.

If you don’t already have a key holding and response service in place if can be really beneficial to your business, both in terms of reassurance and practicality.

It takes a lot of strain off the business owner and provide a sense of reassurance and additional level of security.



This article was written by Becky Nisbet with information provided by Admiral Secuirty Solutions.