How to set up your modern-styled office in simple steps

How to do makeover for your office

A good office environment makes employees happy, that’s for sure. And when your employees are happy to work, their level of creativity increases, and thus, their efficiency and productivity.

Right from the office reception to other departments, making the workplace comfortable for workers can go a long way to improve their overall performance.

Many companies now remodel their workplace to increase the level of motivation of their staff to work and their performances.


How does a company successfully redesign office space?

You don’t have to put new facilities in place in most cases, you can just consult office makeover professionals to help you assess your workplace and help to redesign the settings and arrangements to manage space and increase the level of comfort.

To do this in most cases, changes have to be made to the furniture in use, and other items in the workplace.

Old items can be replaced with items that are multipurpose, lightweight, smaller in size, and more eco-friendly.

For example, you can change your office reception furniture to contemporary office furniture to boost the ego of the receptionist.

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Moreso, there’s a strong connection between the office environment and well-being.

The office environment has an essential influence on the well-being and performance of employees and significantly increases employee loyalty.

This is shown by a study by businesspally magazine in 2019. The directors revealed that a good office environment is an important selection criterion for 62% of those looking for a job when interviewed.

The good part is that most big business owners evaluate their staff performance from time to time, and when there’s a need to redesign the workspace, they don’t do it on their own.

There are trained office makeover experts with an all-around carefree package for the redesign.

How to do makeover for your office

Setting up an office: The first steps

The office must not only be seen as a place of work where you deal with corporate tasks but as a place for networking, inspiration and collaboration.

This is where employees meet and can exchange ideas. For this reason, it’s good to create a holistic office concept consisting of relaxation and communication zones, meeting points, creative zones, and other individually adapted areas.

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The implementation and redesign of the office take place in five small steps:


Analyze your needs in the office

How does the office work? You need to analyze your needs to be able to understand that.

To do this, it is important to communicate your remodeling plans with the employees who will later work in the newly designed office.

This is the only way to understand their needs, and what would work for them to increase their efficiency and productivity.

Using a specially developed catalog of questions, you can find out which requirements of different work categories should be met in the office.

In addition, the work structures and processes between employees and departments are examined.


Evaluate the result of the analysis

In the second step, the results of your analysis are incorporated into a 2D space utilization concept based on the existing office space.

  • What types of work are there in this office?
  • What is the space like?
  • What is the company’s objective?
  • Are there ways to communicate?
  • Does the new use of space serve to motivate employees?
  • Does the concept increase the well-being of the employees?
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Visualization of the office in 3D

The 2D space utilization concept is then used in a clear 3D visualization. In this way, managers and employees can imagine what the office will look like in the end when the remodeling process is completed.


Ideas for furniture, materials, and colors to use in the office

After the visualization, you can create a concept for the new office.

  • What furniture should the company furnish the office with?
  • How do you arrange the meeting room furniture? What should your office reception furniture look like?
  • Which colors compliment the selection?
  • What materials are required? and many other questions

You’d be able to create a holistic, and coherent concept after taking these questions into account.

The workplace furniture makeover

After the analysis and conception phase, it is now time for implementation.

You can now set up a budget-friendly offer and start coordinating the construction and assembly work.