How to Use your Cell Phone as 3G USB Internet Modem for Laptop(Tethering)

Using Phone as Internet Modem for Laptop
Modulator-Demodulator (usually called MODEM) is an electronic network device (a hardware) that connects your PC to your broadband network via a cable or Digital Subscriber Line. Also, your mobile phone, be it android, iPhone, windows phone can also serve as modem where you will be able to use 3 G/4 G data with multiple devices at the same time but this can quickly exhaust your internet data plan because each device will be consuming your data plan and it will also drain your battery power, making the phone battery capacity to be reduced.
Since the sharing of modem with multiple devices has as much pros as cons, we can now find alternative, using our mobile phone as our modem for browsing the internet on our computer using USB. If you’re going to use it on your PC, you can follow these steps.
1. Activate the WiFi in settings and tether it to your PC
The first step is to connect your cell phone with your laptop with the USB cable, go to the phone settings, and the section: “Wireless & Networks”, click on the ” More” option for another sub category. In the new window, go to “Tethering & Portable Hotspot” where you will be able to connect your phone in different channels, whether WiFi or Bluetooth. Once there, just make sure that your phone is still connected by USB to the computer you want to share the internet data plan with.
If your phone device is recognized on your computer, the phone will show a text indicating that the phone is ready to be used as a modem. Tap the first option (USB modem) and wait for a new icon on the notification bar to appear, indicating that the shared connection mode has been activated via USB cable. Note that, when you’re connected to your phone internal data, you can not access the files on your phone on the computer screen at the same time.
2. Installation of Drivers on your Laptop
Once you’ve connected the USB cable to the laptop, Windows will try to recognize the wireless connection and install the needed drivers for the laptop where it will show the usual device installation screen. To check your connection, click on the networking icon next to the Windows clock, you will see that a new connection is now displayed on the connection subsection. If you’re using WiFi, you can get the best WiFi channel with simple tips
To use it, you can just click on it, previously disconnecting from the wireless networks you were using. It may take a while to get access to the Internet, it can also happen that Windows detects the connection as limited. Do not worry that happens because as every system requires some time to organize and achieve proper operation and only happens when you do for the first time, coverage implies a lot in this time of waiting.
3. Control your internet data consumption
Android data is usually bought with megabytes or gigabytes limits and it’s not advisable to use it frequently if you can not afford the price or use your PC when you can still work perfectly on mobile. One of the benefits of phone tethering to laptop is that, you can disconnect your phone from the PC and also in settings and disconnect the USB. To boost your internet signal strength, use these wifi, 3G, 4G booster apps.
This is the simple way you can tither your phone to your computer and let it serve as internet modem for your computer. Do you like this post, we would love it if you can just click the share button.