Free Calling and Texting Apps that are Easy To Use

Do you want a free calling and texting app? What brings about the desire to get free things?
Man naturally want to get more than they want to sacrifice. That’s the reason everyone wants to put calls to friends and family at almost no cost.
There are a lot of things to cater for and in this present economic situation, you would want to cut your budget and reduce your cost on calls.
However, getting a reliable free calling and texting app is not an easy task.
There are hundreds of mobile applications that are free to download from different App Store, app official websites, and app directories.
Trying to choose a free calling app to use, there are a lot of call apps that intrigue you to download, and some of these calling apps are multi-function as they can call and text message.
These apps are built to be compatible with Android, iPhone, iPad, and other mobile operating systems.
With this VOIP ( voice over internet protocol) apps, you can make audio calls, some with video call features, call to land-line, and overseas phone calls.
Some of these calling apps require your call target to install the application before you can place a free call while some do not but you have to accomplish a simple task which you can redeem to acquire free credits on the app which you can now use to call anyone.
skype is one of the big fish in the industry because it has survived the test of time and with robust market share. It can be used to place audio and video calling to other users freely.
It can also be used to place calls to other users of Skype and both mobile phones and land-line with the good video quality.
Skype is developed by Skype Technologies and it has been satisfying users for over twelve years with many versions available on Android, blackberry, iPad, Linux, windows, Mack in over 35 languages.
Viber is another easy-to-use VOIP app and a top performer with quality services. It was developed by Rakuten Inc and was first released in the year 2010.
Since then, great features have been added and fantastic modifications have been made. Viber can be used as IM (instant message) app and users can exchange videos and images.
It uses the phone number you used to register on the network to synchronize the phone’s addresses and notify you of other friends that have been using Viber which makes it easy for you to start calling and texting immediately.
Tango is a big player in IM. there are millions of users interacting with one another. Tango is just more than calling and texting.
With tango, you can make free video calls to users across the world, share posts on social media, connect with friends, and have fun.
The line is another popular VOIP app that’s similar to tango with the easy test messaging features and photo sharing. Before you can use line, the other users also need to have the app installed on his/her mobile phone to call free or you may have to pay pennies to put calls across the non-line users. Other great and useful free calling apps are: