5+ Steps to Consider in Implementing New Technology in WorkPlace

5+ Steps to Consider in Implementing New Technology in WorkPlace

Modern technology has changed the world and it’s therefore important to keep abreast and staying current with new technology, considering its impacts in our workplace and business organization.


Therefore, adopting a new system, implementing it and convincing employees to use the new tech are therefore very essential.


Advancement in technology has changed the way we do business, for example, the role of information technology has changed  the hospitality industry, travel and tourism.


It is expanding the very definition of the dining experience in hotel industry and while every business owner would like to keep up with the trend and rollout latest tech to driving up his business, there are certain steps to making the introduction of new technology in your restaurant  successful.


Choosing the Right Technology for your business

This sounds obvious but it could be the most important part of the process. Benefits and drawbacks of new technology should be carefully weighed.

Training can never completely compensate for poor or unsuited technology.


Is the technology a good fit for the organization? Is it accessible from anywhere? One key for the modern-day restaurateur is having as much pertinent real-time data to plan for both kitchen and front of the house as possible.

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Your system should give you the information you need, when and where you need it. Doing this is one of the key success factors.



Testing the new Machines

It’s important to test the technology before it goes into full-scale use in order to make sure it works well. It is very important that key people such as management and trainers understand the technology.

This will make them to be able to explain it to others and answer the inevitable questions employees will have and convince them on the efficiency and productivity they’ll achieve by using it.



Training the Employees

Explain the benefits of the system clearly to employees. The technology should be rolled out on a limited scale first. These first users can then become trainers, and help later users.

The period of learning and adjustment can be shortened with proper training.


Hands-on experience with new technology is vital for employees to becoming comfortable with its use. Rolling out new technology without proper training can be a harrowing experience for owners, management, and employees alike.

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Incentivize your Workers

You’re creating learning opportunities for your employees in the workplace but you need to setup employee training incentive programs.

You need to motivate them to attend training and create sessions that will have direct benefits on them. Incentives have been found to make training and learning new technologies quicker and more fun for the group.


Set measurable goals that clearly define success and reward those who reach or exceed them. Recognition has been found to be an important motivator. Gamification, or incorporating fun competition into the training process can often make things more enjoyable and rewarding.



Offer Support and Value Feedback

Some of the most valuable information comes unexpectedly, often in the form of feedback from users of a new system. Listen to every comment and address concerns of the users.


You’ll be surprised on how fast the workers would be able to foresee the new challenges they may have and proved solutions to them in the course of their training.


Management and owners often judge system benefits in a more abstract manner, while daily users of a system may have more insight into practical aspects of the new technology use.

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Support employees as they work to master the system and value feedback.



Put It All Together For Success

The criteria for success in rolling out new technology are much the same necessary for any successful endeavor. Research the technology and make sure it is a good fit for your organization. If at all possible, test it in a limited setting first and use these folks to train others who are going to use it.


Make the training interesting, fun and rewarding. Seek out employee feedback and truly listen to it. Support the process as employees work to master the system.


If you do all of these things, your technology rollout is bound to be successful! To get the most technologically advanced, user-friendly solutions available for restaurants. Learn more today about integrated Point of Sale and Guest Management systems.



David Brown is known as the resident ‘foodie’ and spends a good portion of his time working as a food critic for the local newspaper. In his spare time, David enjoys checking out new restaurants and diners with his wife and friends.