How to get Free Online Tutoring Resources for Students

oneclass free online study materials for students

Instructional technology is now very important in classroom education in school, for both teachers that are teaching and the students that are learning.

Irrespective of the level of education, from elementary school to college, higher degree, and adult education because of the advantages in facilitating teaching and self-learning.

Because of the inherent benefits of educational technology, e-learning is now more appreciated by both teachers and students

It’s now changing the nature of classroom teaching and everyone is now embracing it.

How t

Now that the COVID-19 pandemic has made schools shut down suddenly, it’s a call for a need to make teaching and learning easy without classrooms.
However, there are thousands of online classroom applications that can help people continue their learning in the comfort of their homes.
Oneclass is one of our favorites that supports students who want to continue their learning online.
There are tutors online who will be teaching high school, college, and university students seven days a week.

There are thousands of study guides on Accounting, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Economics Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, and History.

These high-quality study guides will help you to get better grades in your exams, and they are millions.

To get your study guides is very simple as everything is well categorized.

You can click on ‘classroom’, and get study materials from the popular university recommended.

You can as well enter your country and your school to get the guides on thousands of the departments covered on this site.

Presently, there are five countries listed: the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand.

If you need a specific guide, you can enter the university, the department(optional), and the course code, if the guide has been published, you get it immediately.

You can also find a particular guide if you know the school, the professor that handles the course, and the semester. The selections are there to make your search easy.

Oneclass is your search engine to get study materials that are being used in various schools.

In a similar way to getting class notes, you can find Textbook notes, study guides, Exam solutions, exam prep, etc.
Not only can you get education materials from this site, but you can also do homework online and live stream tutoring
Sometimes, search results from google may not help much in solving your school assignment, here comes oneclass.

You can take your homework to the next level, simply search through the database of more than three million verified and reliable answers to what you’re looking for.

You can as well ask one personal question monthly, and use the site free without ads being shown to you.
However, to enjoy this feature, you can upgrade your account to Grade+.
The most interesting one is online tutoring. You can join live classes 7 days/a week.
If you miss any past streams, they will be made available for you to watch whenever you come online.
You will get the schedule for the tutorial every week. During this COVID-19 period, you will get 1-on-1 help.

The team has made available 100,000 hours of free tutoring sessions, just schedule your free session if you’re already a registered member.

There are several testimonies on the impacts of oneclass in improving the learning experience, for both students and their parents.
You can join the league of champions, study online and live stream tutorial lessons easily with oneclass.