Factors affecting the cost of Mobile App development

Factors affecting the cost of Mobile App development

Mobile  Application Development is fast becoming an established and lucrative industry for tech entrepreneurs in this age where smart and electronic solutions are increasingly been looked at as the way forward.

The tempo and pace of this astonishing revolution is getting more and more unprecedented as more folks flood the sector with incredible ideas not just to provide smart solutions to myriad of humanity’s problems but also as another viable business opportunity that it is.

So as an entrepreneur looking forward to grasping this opportunity someday either as a startup or an established business person ,as a business-expansion choice, it’s only apt that one prospects for facts in the ‘Business environment’, as corporate professionals would put it.

An integral and critical part of the environment of ‘App Development’ as a business endeavor which calls for thorough investigation is the cost involved. This would be the scope of discourse.

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The cost of developing an app hinges on a number of factors; few of which would be represented here.

It first depends on whether your proposed app would be produced by you or an independent contractor, app developing firm.

Individual development of apps may cost far less besides your expertise in the field of ‘coding’ when compared to hiring developers.

However, your product may risk having some issues with standards, utility , design among others, especially when the idea behind the app requires extensive period of experience and shear professionalism to realize.

So before choosing between both options your strength in the field, the required level of expertise, type of product etc, must be put into consideration.

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Secondly, the platform for which the app would be developed, the platform determines the complexity and level of competency involved which in turn drives the cost.

We have different platforms ranging from Apple iOS, Android, Windows through to BlackBerry, so depending on the one you choose to produce for your cost can be relatively high or low.

Taking the cost of developing a mobile app, You may want to consider the user base of various platforms, opportunities and threats the technologies involved, your business goal and most importantly your budget, before making a choice.

While some experts have argued that developing an app for Android could cost same as for Apple if not more, the choice-making power still belongs to you.

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The last and equally important factor is your location on the map, while app developers cost more in some countries or jurisdictions sometimes due to their respective legal/regulatory and demographic environments amongst other things, they cost low in others.

For instance the cost of developing a mobile app in US may be cheaper to UK because of high number of expertise in United States and the competitiveness there.

While the cost of developing an app in China may be cheaper compared to other Asian countries due to their Advancement in technology in recent time.

Hence, you can be in a relatively favorable or unfavorable part of the map. Like I implied earlier on, this list is by no means exhaustive so you can do yourself a greater good by probing further variables.