Best Latest Nigerian Akpos Funny Jokes| Comedy Apps Download

It is no more news that there’s much money in entertainment industry today. It wasn’t like that in Nigeria in the time of Moses Olaiya, popularly known as “Baba sala”.
Today we have some big fishes in Nigerian comedy industry; people like Ali baba, Basketmouth, Ay, I go die, Bovi, just to mention a few who’re very rich and making money from stand-up comedy, live shows, comedy videos on YouTube, brand sponsorship etc.
While you need training to learn how to write and do funny stand-up comedy writing before you become a professional comedian, there are tips and steps you can begin now to help you become a good comedian in the future.
You start from reading funny jokes and studying the environments. To get unlimited Nigerian jokes, these apps will quench your thirsts.
Akpos Jokes App is a mobile app developed by StackArena in Lagos, Nigeria.
An online entertainment enterprise that deliver comedy and jokes of different categories, pidgin English phrases, laughable wise funny quotes, African and Nigerian funny wise sayings and proverbs, cool short funny quotes and others.T
he akpos jokes app is a collection of unlimited akpors funny jokes daily.
You’re assured to get current akpos jokes, dirty akpos jokes that are hot which can nearly crack your ribs when you burst into laughs.
You get the latest and new funny jokes of the day on the app without subscribing to akpos YouTube or follow any akpos Facebook page that is only updated once in a blue moon.
The akpos jokes application is one of the best app to get latest Nigerian jokes, short jokes and very funny jokes to crown your day with excitements and if you’re talented in comedy, you can add your jokes and also share with friends on social networks like Twitter, Facebook, G+ or send it as SMS and email to friends. More also, you can chat with other people using the app.
With the app, you can easily rate any joke you find entertaining or otherwise and add comments, use the random jokes search to get any type of jokes or simply read the collections of jokes one after the order using the navigation button to move back and forth to read previous jokes or the next jokes.
To download the app from Google play store, you need android 2.3 version or above and akpos jokes app has already recorded almost 1,000,000 downloads.
If you also want akpos jokes and riddles blog, you can go to their website to read daily jokes submitted and reviewed by people.
Another comedy and jokes app is Naija Jokes App, an app developed by Anniez in Nigeria.
It’s an entertainment app that offers jokes and comedy to keep you in good mood and make you wear a good face as it’s more important than good look.
With the app, you get naija jokes contents that fit Nigerian context, Nigerian comedy especially from stage comedy shows by popular Nigeria comedians.
Others are latest best akpos jokes, African jokes, extracts of jokes from movies, funny quotes by comedians or celebs, funny pidgin saying and other atrja linafunny saying especially the ones that go viral on social media.
To download Naija Jokes from Google play store on your android phone, it need to be android 2.3 or above and you can choose to download the Apk format from apk app stores and directories.
Naija Funny Jokes App is another jokes and entertainment app developed by Agapeo Studios in Nigeria.
The app offers funny jokes, funny quotes by individuals and funny African proverbs and saying as reviewed by the users.
The Naija funny jokes plus app syndicates funny posts by important personality in nigeria on social media and offer them all in one place to enjoy, share with friends or add comments.
Some other categories of jokes you can read on the app are Funny Akpos Jokes, Naija jokes, Naija Tori jokes which is in form of pidgin jokes and others.
Download the app from play store on your android version 2.3 and above and start making your day full of fun.
Another jokes entertainment app is Funny Akpos Jokes App developed by atrja lina.
It offers akpos jokes of the year, best akpos funny jokes and other Nigerian comedy and humorous messages.
The app was updated in 2015 with released 1.14 version and the next update is expected soon.
Funny Akpos jokes requires android 2.3 to be downloaded from Google play store and the Apk version is available for free download from Apk file directories.