Tips to Help Improving Sales in Customer Service Industry

How to boost your Customer service

How to boost your Customer service

Tipping is a multi-billion dollar industry. Most servers in the industry depend on tips for a living because the money they make in tips makes up 85% of their earnings.

And when your employees’ income depends on them not simply showing up at work but on the quality of their work, you should help them find ways to be the best they can be so they can rake in the dough.

To get higher tips, your staff must improve customer service because customer satisfaction is essential in the service industry.

Here are some ideas to help your servers earn higher tips and create customer loyalty while they’re at it.

How to boost your Customer service

Add a personal touch

Everyone wants to feel seen and appreciated, especially when they are paying for services. Small gestures by the servers can have a great impact.

These gestures include having the check delivered with a slice of orange or a mint, or simply a smiley face and a “thanks” handwritten on it by the server.

Such small gestures make such a huge difference. That smiley face can be the difference between a 20% tip versus a much smaller amount.


Servers should always look good

By looking good, it does not mean that you should only hire professional models but rather they should look well dressed and groomed and make a great first impression.

A well-dressed server looks professional, and customers feel they are in good hands.

To help out your servers, you can ask them to wear a uniform or a uniform apron so they look polished and they are easy to identify.

It helps if the server wears something unique. For example, women can wear a flower in their hair; real or fake.

Studies show people find women who wear ornaments in their hair more attractive, and they get higher tips.

They also make one look more interesting.


Create a connection by introducing themselves

When a client walks into a restaurant, they are not there for the food alone; they are there for a dining experience.

Therefore; if they walk in and the first thing they see is a disgruntled server, they set their mind to receiving mediocre services.

However, if they walk into your establishment and they are greeted warmly with a big smile they feel appreciated.

After greetings, the server should proceed to introduce themselves.

By doing this, the customer is reminded that a server is a real person, a fact people easily forget.

Let your servers know that having a name badge on is not enough.


Repeat the guest’s order back to them

According to a series of psychological experiments carried out by behavioural scientist Rick Van Barrell, tips rose by 68% when the server repeated the order.

When the server repeats the order, it shows that they have understood the order and it shows that they are competent.

Hence, increasing the confidence the guest has in the server.

Repeating the order also alleviates the guest’s fear of receiving something that they have not ordered.

Also by repeating the customer’s order, the server is engaging in subtle verbal mirroring which amplifies feelings of mutual understanding.

By adopting these simple behaviours and other helpful tips from the internet, your servers will have a positive interaction with guests and enrich the overall atmosphere of the restaurant.

They will also enjoy higher tips and return customers.