Paratus partners Sky & Space Satellite to impove POS Machine

Paratus telecommunication (Pty) ltd., the former Internet Technologies Namibia has continued to improve her telecom services such as IP products, DIA, protocol label, MPLS, VSAT solutions, WiFi broadband network solutions, and data communication significantly in recent years.
Sky and Space Global Ltd (SAS), a satellite company providing communication infrastructure with nanosatellite technologies and developing programs to manage data in the cloud for communication network providers, on the other hand, has continued to deepen its coverage in Africa.
Sky and Space with BeepTool
A few weeks ago, SAS partnered with BeepTool to integrate their nanosatellite with BeepTool mobile payment and VoIP communication app.
This week, Sky and Space have just signed a field trial to manage Paratus Point-of-Sale (POS) machine, giving SAS the control to provide improved narrow band communication facilities to many POS devices handled by the Paratus telecom network.
The partners would agree on the date to launch the field trial where the POS machine would be connected to the Paratus partner banking facility and with the SAS IP network upon successful integration.
Paratus telecom group would be able to serve more POS devices in Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and London, which are countries they’re already established and we expect expansion into other countries across the globe.
Already in 2017, Sky and Space Global and Paratus group subsidiary, Sat-Space had announced a binding commercial contract in which it was agreed to corporate on narrow band facilities in different mobile payment segments.
Paratus Tracks
Paratus group, a company founded in 2005 and wholly owned by the Namibian telecommunications operator changed to Paratus in 2014 and more developments have been actualized.
It’s one of the telecommunication companies and internet service providers in Namibia to reckon with.
Just in recent years, they were issued A Class comprehensive Telecom Service license (ECS & ECNS) in Namibia.
In 2016, the group has informed the public of their three years expansion program to improve their fiber network infrastructure, so this deal seems to be one of the goals to be achieved.
NFC and Mobile payment is a huge market and most small and medium-scale businesses find it easier to facilitate payment.
In Africa where Paratus has more clients, the POS system is growing very fast and with more awareness of its benefits in business, the market would be more profitable for stakeholders and investors.
In the statement of the Paratus group CEO, Mr. Barney Harmse, he expressed his belief in SAS, having the capacity to bring enhanced technologies to replace their current means of communication with the POS devices which have some limits and are not much reliable, especially in the remote areas in their countries of operations.
He further stressed that the group will continue to renew its interest and commitment to bringing new innovative technological solutions to the finance sector and strengthening its position in the market.
So also the SAS Managing Director and CEO, Mr. Meir Moalem lauded the decision made by the Paratus group and promised to provide facilities that will widen the connectivity coverage which will enable their partner to connect more people and improve socioeconomic developments.